Follow our link to get a taster of what's in store. Choose from a top selection of risers, sweeps, pitch ups and pitch downs. It's packed with 35 high quality transition presets, and guess what? They're all dope. Have you ever found it hard to track down some decent transition sounds and FX? Well this Echo Sound Works Ear Candy pack has just what you need. Echo Sound Works Ear Candy Serum Preset Pack

Combine these Serum presets with some good drum samples to get your songs up and running. You have all you need to start creating cool melodies and harmonic lines to form the basis of your tracks. This pack contains 25 must-have presets for Serum which cater to basslines, plucks, leads and pads. If you're looking for some fire Serum sounds, then do yourself a favor an check this one out. It has tons of dope sounds including Twilight, Spaced and loop kits such as VHS. This is one of the latest and most popular collection of Serum presets for 2019. We have also included some more mainstream sound packs which cater to other genres such as Pop and EDM.

We have presets for all genres and styles, including future bass, Hardstyle and some trap presets too.
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All presets on our list link to free downloads so it will cost you nothing more than your current Serum license. In this article we will look at some of the most impressive and versatile Serum sounds available. Serum Xfer Wavetable Synth is one of the most popular and sought after VST instruments for making music today.